The Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee is inquiring into the 2018 Bill: Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Commitments for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures). In addition to accepting substantive submissions to this inquiry, the committee has developed a survey – downloadable HERE – to allow members of the public to express their view on the bill.
The survey will close at 5pm, 27 April 2018 AEST.
CMCF agrees with FECCA, that stakeholders tren blend in multicultural Australia should take the opportunity to say NO to the Bill. As FECCA say in their media release of 6 April 2018
“The great story of multicultural Australia reflects the economic success and social harmony created by Australia’s migrants. Long waiting periods for citizenship and excessively high English competence are unjust, unfair and cruel barriers to the most vulnerable new arrivals, who have so much to contribute to Australia as citizens”.