Invitation to the Launch of the CMCF-Red Cross Partnership
Invitation to the Launch of the CMCF-Red Cross Partnership Strengthening Australia's Blood Supply We are excited to announce the launch of CMCF's collaboration with Lifeblood in organising a Multicultural Blood Donation Event. As Canberra’s multicultural population...
Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF) Condemns Vandalism of Hindu Temples in Canberra
Place - Canberra, Australia Date - 30 October 2024 The Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF) expresses its deep sorrow and concern over the recent attack on and vandalism of two Hindu temples in Canberra. Such acts of violence and disrespect have no place in...
Notice of the Eighteenth (18th) Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Time: 6:30pm for 7:00pm start Date: Tuesday, 19 November 2024 Venue: Level 2, Function Room, Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, 180 London Crt, Civic Dear Member, Please mark in your diary Tuesday November 19 at 6:30pm. This will be...
Notice of the Seventeenth (17th) Annual General Meeting of CMCF Inc
Election of New Executive Committee 2023-2025 (2 year term) Time: 6:30pm for 7:00pm start Date: Thursday, 30 November 2023 Venue: Level 2, Function Room, Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, 180 London Crt, Civic Pre-Registration...
Be Informed: What is a Voice to Parliament
The CMCF is inviting community leaders to an important event titled 'Be Informed: What is a Voice to Parliament'. Key Note speaker is Professor Tom Calma, AO and a panel session with key Indigenous speakers. This event will provide an opportunity to inform members of...
25th Anniversary National Multicultural Festival Just two weeks away!
Excitement is building for the much-anticipated return of the National Multicultural Festival from 17 to 19 February. Minister for Multicultural Affairs Tara Cheyne said, “This summer we’ve seen the appetite Canberrans have for returning to the events they know and...
FOR COMMENT: – ACT Women’s Plan Third Action Plan consultation
Hello Community Partners, The ACT Government wants to understand how it can improve its programs and services to better address the needs of women and girls. The ACT Women’s Plan 2016-26is an ambitious 10 year plan to create an ACT that values and respects women and...
CMCF Inc Notice of Annual General Meeting
16th Annual General Meeting Notice. Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF) Inc. Our Key Note Speaker is Mr Chin Tan, Race Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
CMCF Inc Multicultural Leaders Reception 2022
The Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF) cordially invites Leaders of Canberra's multicultural community to a Leaders Reception. This will be an opportunity to meet with Canberra's diverse community, ACT Legislative Assembly and Federal Government members and...
Prepare for a telecommunications outage during a natural disaster
Do you and your community know how you would communicate if mobile phones or internet services aren’t working in a natural disaster? Mobile and internet services keep us connected but they may not be available in a natural disaster. It is important to have backup...
The Grand Anglo-Indian Ball
The Australian Anglo-Indian Association of Canberra (inc.)Proudly presents: The Grand Anglo-Indian Ball on Saturday 29th October 2022 At the Canberra Southern Cross Club, 92-96 Corinna Street, Woden ACT 2606 Sponsored by The Basil Sellers Group and The Australian...
Wear a face mask
ACT Health are strongly encouraging all Canberrans to wear a face mask when in public indoor settings. Face masks provide another layer of protection along with other COVID Smart behaviours – like maintaining good hygiene, staying at home if unwell, getting tested...
The National Multicultural Festival drop-in information session
The National Multicultural Festival will be held from Friday 17 February to Sunday 19 February 2023. Applications are now open for grants, stallholders, performers and the parade. All the information is available on the Festival website. The National Multicultural...
The National Bowel Cancer Screening Campaign
Cancer Council, in partnership with the Australian Government, is encouraging all Australians aged 50 – 74, including those in culturally and linguistically diverse communities, to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program by doing the simple at-home...
CMCF was formed in December 2005 to be a unified voice to promote the common interests and articulate the purpose and direction of the multicultural community in the ACT through: