For more details about the events and notices listed below, download the OMATSIA ACT Multicultural Community eNews 23 Jan 2014


  • Celebrate Australia Day in the Capital 25-26 January
  • Republic Day of India / Australia Day celebration 26 January
  • Australia Day at Belconnen Arts Centre, 26 January
  • Nominations Called for Chief Minister’s Canberra Gold Awards, closes 31 January
  • Volunteers required for the 2014 National Multicultural Festival!, closes 31 January
  • Canberra Citizen of the Year Awards, closes 31 January
  • Survey – Ageing and Issues Facing Older LGBTIQ People in the ACT, closes 1 February
  • Lantern-making Workshop, 8 February
  • Lotus Wonderland – Acrobatic show for closing of the National Multicultural Festival
  • 9 February
  • No Sweat Fashions – free sewing classes, 12 February
  • Lantern Festival, 15 February
  • Free training course:  engaging people to talk about problem gambling issues, 19 February
  • Language Walk, 21 February
  • Gift of Life’s DonateLife Walk 2014, 26 February
  • Craft ACT: Craft and Design Centre – calling for expressions of interest – Multicultural Exhibition 2015; closes 14 March


  • ACT public schools – information for asylum seekers
  • Heart Foundation resources available in 10 languages
  • It’s time to formally register for the Seniors Week expo!


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