Health Care Consumers’ Association (HCCA) is undertaking an online public survey to identify:to identify:

  • What quality and safety in health care means to you
  • Areas for improvement in the quality and safety of health care services provided by ACT Health; and
  • Identify priorities for action for ACT Health

ACT Health (the state government department responsible for a range of publicly funded health services in the ACT) is in the process of developing their Quality and Safety Strategy which will focus on person centred, safe and effective care.

ACT Health have asked HCCA to collect information from consumers on what high  quality and safe care means to you. The information collected from this survey will be given to ACT Health to ensure that the views of the ACT community are included in planning health services for the future.

The link to the survey can be found here:

If you have any questions or queries, please email Sally Deacon at


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