The chair of the Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF), Sam Wong, has called on the Federal Government not to destroy the spirit of Harmony Day celebrations when it makes its foreshadowed changes.
Speaking after last Saturday’s event, which was financed by a Commonwealth grant and supported by the ACT Government and other private sponsors, Mr Wong said there was general agreement that it had been an outstanding success.
“CMCF was given the responsibility of running Harmony Day in Canberra, and while there were a few small problems, there was nothing that cannot be put to rights given the experience we have gained,” he said.
“We offered a series of free ACTION bus trips to places of particular significance to the multicultural community around Canberra, and they were mostly packed out. It was a delight to see the various ethnic groups mingling and enjoying the hospitality at each stop. We complemented this with a continuous program of entertainment at the Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre
“This surely is what harmony is all about.”
“I am encouraged that the Federal Government has said it wants to keep Harmony Day, but to present it in a different way. CMCF is ready and willing to work with the Commonwealth towards this end, offering the very positive experience gained from staging the 2008 event.”