The ACT Government Office for Multicultural Affairs office has just opened a round of public consultation on the proposed Multicultural Recognition Act.

It is running consultation sessions, calling for submissions, quick comments and a survey through the link included below.

Please assist with the promotion of this important public consultation by sharing to your network, such as via your Facebook page etc.

The proposed law is relevant to all Canberrans, not just culturally and linguistically diverse communities, so we are trying to reach as many people as possible.

Do you have a vision for an inclusive and diverse Canberra?

The draft Multicultural Recognition Bill sets out the ACT Government’s vision for growing and improving as an inclusive city.

The legislation will create a Multicultural Charter and set out the roles and functions of the ACT Multicultural Advisory Council.

It will also provide ways for the ACT Government to report back to the community on our progress as a welcoming and inclusive city.

A second round of community consultation on the draft Bill is now open until 26 July and we want to hear from you.

Tell us your vision for an inclusive and diverse city and what you think should be in the Multicultural Recognition Act here:

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