On Wednesday night, 14 December 2005, over 40 leaders and representatives of over 30 ethnic organisations met to look for solutions in response to the many issues that came to a head at previous Saturday’s Multicultural Summit convened by the ACT Government.

In keeping with the 10 December 2005 Summits theme THE WAY FORWARD. and stressed by the ACT Minister for Multicultural Affairs, John Hargreaves on Saturday, was again echoed by those who attended the meeting on Wednesday night.

Attendees discussed ways to respond to many of Canberra’s ethnic communities plea to have a representative voice in the form of a responsive peak organisation that is truly inclusive and can foster the spirit of cooperation and harmonious relationship amongst the ethnic communities in Canberra.

Attendees unanimously accepted that the way forward was the formation of a new peak body, Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF).

The ACT Legislative Assembly (Parliament) recognised our existence as the CMCF is one of the two different community councils representing Canberra’s ethnic community groups on 15 February 2006.

On 21 March 2006 (Harmony Day) the ACT Registrar-General’s Office incorporated the Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF) Incorporated, under the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 1991.

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